Presentation (20 minutes) – maximum of two speakers per presentation TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Student Success Program - Collaboration in action  (102117)

Louisa Ellum 1
  1. Swinburne University of Technology, CROYDON, VICTORIA, Australia

Effective and sustainable student support services are built on foundations of collaboration, a desire to evolve and adapt, putting students at the center of all decision making and work. 

The Swinburne Student Success Program for Vocational Education and Training students was established in 2018 to support student engagement and success in their studies and experience at Swinburne. It has grown and evolved into program that supports over 3200 individual VET students annually and is embedded within the VET departments and works closely with a range of internal and external referral and service partners.

As a dual sector tertiary institute, Swinburne is working on greater alignment between Higher Education and Vocational Education and the opportunities to evolve student support services across the institute. It is currently focusing on pathways support (into Swinburne, between VE and HE and onto further education and employment), greater upstream service and support approaches, as well as building more sustainable ways of working between service teams to ensure a seamless and successful student experience. Student voice and participation through active partnerships is also an important aspect of this work.

Join Louisa in this presentation on how the Swinburne Student Success Program in VET is run and is evolving to meet the changing needs of students, of tertiary institute resourcing decisions and ways of working, and industry needs and the readiness of students for the workforce. The risks, the learnings and the improvements made to ensure student success is at the forefront of decision making may assist you in your work with your teams and student body.