Presentation (20 minutes) – maximum of two speakers per presentation TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Applied Research in the VET sector - Lessons for Australian TAFEs (102206)

John D Flett 1
  1. Executive, South West TAFE, Warrnambool, Victoria, Australia

The vocational education and training sector, and TAFE in particular, is under enormous pressure to remain relevant and responsive to the needs of its key industry stakeholders. Digital disruption, ‘Clean and Circular Economies,’ automation, artificial intelligence, micro-credentials, industry engagement, training packages, over-regulation, funding models, and maintaining a teaching workforce, are major issues. Despite TAFE providers best efforts industry calls for better quality training to meet their needs persist. An applied research (AR) methodology offers a different and targeted approach that can meet the demands of industry.

AR provides an industry-focused approach on solving practical or real-world problems using workplace and educational research(1) efforts. Vocational training providers are ideally placed to have researchers, teaching staff and students involved in that AR, with major benefits for all parties.

Canadian vocational institutions are recognised has having responsive and effective applied research programs(3) that address a wide range of industry needs. Over a three-week period, the author visited with six vocational colleges and polytechnics in Canada to look at how AR practices had been introduced, and what their impact was. The full report(2) can be found on the Victorian Skills Authority/International Specialised Skills Institute website.

There are many AR models operating in Canada ranging from small-scale student led research and teacher-led initiatives, through to major Technical Access Centre (TACs) research programs employing dozens of researchers. AR in Canada specifically supports small and medium sized enterprises and the intellectual property developed is retained by the companies involved.

While Government support is integral to the work of Canada’s AR capability there are lessons to be learned for Australia.  AR opportunities in TAFE are coming and will provide a great way to promote the value of TAFE to industry. Australian TAFEs will need to invest in their people need to be ready.

  1. Business Research Methodology,; accessed 18/1/2024.
  2. Flett, J.D. (2023), Applied research applications in the vocational and educational training sector for agriculture and renewable energy technologies, International Specialised Skills Institute.
  3. TAFE Directors Australia (2020), SMEs and TAFEs collaborating through applied research for growth, GPO Box 826 Canberra ACT 2601.