Workshop (40 minutes) – maximum of four speakers/facilitators per workshop TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Have your say on the new TGA (102245)

Joanne Waldron 1 , Clair Strickand 1 , Nathan Smith 1 , Ben O'Cianain 1
  1. Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Braddon, ACT, Australia


The Department of Employment and Workplace Relation’s (DEWR) is committed to building modern, transparent, and easy-to-use experiences to support the VET sector.
A priority initiative for DEWR is the modernisation of (TGA) which is the trusted source of truth for VET within Australia.
The TDA Convention provides DEWR with an opportunity to showcase the upcoming changes to with key stakeholders including RTOs, other education bodies, industry, and other areas of government.
The new will be more intuitive to use and have improved search and reporting capabilities. There will also be improved technical connections between and external systems.

This workshop will showcase the enhancements to and gather feedback from participants prior to the launch of the website in the second half of 2024. TDA Convention participants are important stakeholders to DEWR and their contributions to this workshop will help shape to their needs.
Feedback will be collected using Mentimeter allowing participants to share their thoughts through real-time polls, comments and collaborative discussions.
By the end of the workshop participants will:
• have a greater understanding of the changes coming to;
• understand what the enhancements look like; and
• understand how the changes will benefit their work within the VET sector. project information flyer
