Presentation (20 minutes) – maximum of two speakers per presentation TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Building an Inclusive Teaching and Learning Roadmap (102259)

Marina Borrello 1 , Trina Bianchini 1
  1. TAFE SA, Adelaide, SA, Australia

‘Everyone is talking!’

The TAFESA Inclusive Teaching and Learning Framework has created shared language across the organisation.  Now, TAFESA not only meets obligatory access and equity requirements, but also exceed them. TAFESA continues to demonstrate quality teaching and learning practices and lead innovation in inclusive education design, and empowerment of learners.

This presentation will show what the Framework promotes, how easily accessible tools have been integrated into practice and how educators are supported to embed accessibility, usability and inclusive education as essential design and development elements. 


The rapid transition to technology enhanced learning (TEL) at TAFESA over the past three years has been challenging and exhilarating. On reflection, it was a perfect storm and a dream. Many TAFESA students found that the increasing their use of technology and being online was enabling, but for others this shift created barriers to their participation. TEL presented TAFESA with an imperative and an opportunity to realise TAFESA’s vision for digitally enabled, accessible, usable, and inclusive learning and assessment approaches, supported by the TAFESA Inclusive Teaching and Learning Framework.

This presentation showcases the development of the codesigned TAFE SA Inclusive Teaching and Learning Framework, Implementation Plan, and associated tools.  An iterative, ‘one conversation at a time!’ approach was applied.  Each discussion identified one more strategy, tool, or resource to provide to TAFE SA educators. Collectively, a 1% change was better than no change. Each 1% moved us closer to our goals.  Emphasis was placed on recognising that no single tool or resource will ever be the silver bullet.


The impact has been profound. Inclusive education is not achievable by simply ticking a checklist, but requires intentional design, development, delivery, and assessment practice. The Framework continues to support TAFE SA to reduce barriers in learning and scaffolds enabling and empowering learning opportunities for all learners.