At Melbourne Polytechnic we are committed to excellence in learning and teaching. Our role is to provide excellent learning experiences that develop skills and capabilities valued by industry and community. To achieve this we have intentionally designed an approach to professional learning that positions our educators as partners in the process. For us, learning is the heartbeat!
To bring this vision to life we have a committed team of educational practitioners who partner with VET educators to build teaching capability and foster excellence in learning and teaching. The Professional Teaching Practice (PTP) team, is a unique team whose purpose is to “support success for MP learners by fostering a shared vision of excellence in learning and teaching through strategically and thoughtfully partnering with educators to explore, activate, embrace and share effective teaching practices.”
Our approach to working with educators at MP is underpinned by our team values including building genuine partnerships; fostering trust; teaching expertise; subject matter and industry expertise; collaboration & innovation; and reflective practice & continuous improvement. To enact these values we utilise a “coaching approach” to our work with educators. This approach is strengths based and solutions focused.
In this interactive workshop participants will explore what this coaching approach looks like. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a coaching conversation where the focus is on enabling the educator to leverage their strengths whilst being very intentional in honing their teaching practice or craft. Participants will explore reflective practice and gain an understanding of the impact of job-embedded professional learning.
The workshop facilitators are qualified coaches and experienced educators who have been successfully partnering with MP educators for the past 4 years. We utilise a credible research and evidence base that underpins their work with educators to foster excellence in learning and teaching at Melbourne Polytechnic.