Presentation (20 minutes) – maximum of two speakers per presentation TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Collaboration success at the heart of responding to industry needs (102296)

Justin Vaughan 1 , Christian Silva 1
  1. North Metropolitan TAFE, Bedford, WA, Australia

In 2015 bushfires caused extensive damage to the electrical infrastructure around Esperance (WA). Horizon Power developed clean, standalone power systems as a solution to solve this critical issue but did not have sufficient workers trained or skilled in this space.

This workshop will review how North Metropolitan TAFE (NMT) partnered with Horizon in this cutting-edge collaboration to upskill electrical workers in the Western Australian clean energy space, and helped to address critical infrastructure needs.

Our presentation on this Collaboration would include details around:

CollaborationHow we connected with partners and identified a shared vision with industry to respond. Leveraging existing relationships; identifying key stakeholders; proactive communication; leveraging reputational benefit of this including a values-based approach.

Work-based learning – Identifying and prioritising opportunities for work-based learning, and ensuring industry participate in the design of training products.
Horizon Power took a lead role in developing the training products; adoption of non-accredited training in cutting edge technologies; re-training existing workers.

Customised Training for Clean EnergyUnderstanding how to customise quality training programs to engage all learners. Senior NMTAFE Lecturing Staff visited the equipment manufacturer prior to roll-out & worked with the engineers to achieve upskilling and currency to the technical specifications of clean energy equipment.  

Networking into the Future – To achieve sustainability and to incorporate networking into the student learning journey. How we leveraged this relationship into training workers for Hydrogen production and use in power generation (Denham, WA) and with Western Power workers. First Nations communities have also benefited from the roll-out of this training and technology.

Evaluation – How we applied evaluation approaches to improve training outcomes. Applying systematic formative and summative evaluation models to revisit the training products and evolve to meet the needs of new clean energy technology and changing equipment; manufacturers; work procedures.