Strategic Industry partnerships is the key to building the right resources for Industry in emerging industries, TAFE Queensland recognises the need to produce and deliver new accredited training in line with National standards and the changing needs of industry. We have done this by building partnerships with large companies, original equipment manufacturers and universities to support TAFE Queensland on this journey. TAFE Queensland is now the key to industry accessing training in this new journey of technology and decarbonisation.
The focus for TDA and all TAFE’s should be to make this a National approach, supporting each other as well as Industry. This approach will build National consistency and improve safety standards and efficiencies for all involved.
Industry consultation and building strong partnerships has a variety of benefits and these need to be the focus for our sustainability in the contestable markets. They include:
• access current information and processes
• a training pipeline supported by industry
• supported professional development from industry, advice on current process and specifications that aligns with industries needs
• National procurement process and pricing
A state-wide approach has taken place to support all regions across Queensland and this has allowed us to be more agile and responsive and also be more current. We need to make this a National agenda to support the future for TAFE’s and Industry in these new and exciting spaces.