Presentation (20 minutes) – maximum of two speakers per presentation TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Building connection with our communities - implementation of TAFE Queensland’s First Nations Education Strategy (102520)

Emma Rice 1 , Leanne Bell 1
  1. TAFE Queensland, Mt Gravatt, TQ CORPORATE, Australia

First Nations students regularly report satisfaction in the courses that they are enrolled in, yet completion rates remain lower and attrition rates remain higher than that of non-Indigenous students at TAFE Queensland. It is critical that there are strategies in place, at all levels of the organisation, to actively address these inequities.

The First Nations Education Strategy is a tool that makes explicit, TAFE Queensland’s commitment to ensuring the educational experience for all students acknowledges and is increasingly respectful of, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures and contributions. It is aimed at increasing First Nations student success, retention and completion rates.

The activities listed within the Strategy provide opportunities for resource and practice development that supports an organisation-wide approach to enriching TAFE Queensland’s culture.

This session will showcase best practice examples following the students learning journey, demonstrating our commitment to implementing and continually improving our vision for reconciliation.

Join us as we share knowledge and experience that empowers individuals, teachers and learning communities. At the conclusion of this session, participants will be inspired by practical examples and informed on how they can develop and implement authentic and supportive First Nations practice and plan for future greatness the demonstrates respect and unity, and creates space to celebrate reconciliation.