Workshop (40 minutes) – maximum of four speakers/facilitators per workshop TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Collaboration success at the heart of responding to industry needs (102236)

Lyn Hogan 1
  1. North Metropolitan TAFE, Leederville, WA, Australia

North Metropolitan TAFE (NMT) is at the heart of promptly responding to State priorities and industry needs as demonstrated by the recent, best practice collaboration with the Western Australia Housing industry. NMT collaborated with industry partners to urgently develop the Certificate IV Housing qualification which addresses workforce challenges created by the state housing crisis in metropolitan and regional settings.

Below is the successful formula NMT applied and the learning outcomes from this presentation:

  • Collaboration - NMT Community Services Portfolio led collaboration with industry peak body ShelterWA by identifying and including key stakeholders in the industry Steering Committee to ensure prompt decisions and actions in the design, development and implementation of the qualification.

Learning outcome: To identify a shared vision with industry and develop a plan to respond to industry needs.


  • Work-integrated learning – NMT identified the learner cohort and designed the training product/s to meet the learner cohort needs by scaffolding their learning to meet workplace experience and digital literacy.

Learning outcome: To determine how to educate and involve industry into the design of training products.


  • Customised training – NMT structured weekly workshop times with industry to customise the training and unpack the delivery and assessment.

Learning outcome: To understand how to customise quality training programs to engage all learners.


  • Networking – NMT integrated industry networking sessions from a variety of the industry contexts at key points of the training to improve overall outcomes.

Learning outcome: To identify how to collaborate with industry to incorporate networking into the student learning journey.


  • Evaluation – NMT led the collaboration with industry to implement a systematic formative and summative evaluation model to ensure timely optimal and feedback.

Learning outcome: To understand how collaboration informed best evaluation approaches to improve training outcomes.

Successful collaboration with industry partners is a critical component of vocational education.