Presentation (20 minutes) – maximum of two speakers per presentation TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024

Beyond consultation (102265)

Marita Bird 1 , Dearne Willing 2
  1. TasTAFE, Alanvale, TASMANIA, Australia
  2. TasTAFE, Clarence, Tasmania, Australia

Co-design, Co-develop, Co-deliver.

This presentation demonstrates how true co-design principles were used to develop sustainable and technology focused learning resources. With a core goal to develop emerging leaders in a priority industry and to better support flexible delivery, the Agricultural Learning Resources Technology Project has met and exceeded the challenge.

One Educational Designer, two teachers and thirty four subject matter experts collaborated to develop authentic digital resources, including Flat Out Farm, a simulated mixed farm enterprise based on local farm management practices. Flexible and on demand learning has enabled learners from King Island to Bruny Island participate, providing them with a take home tool kit to apply to their own farms and workplaces.

Real solutions for real problems.

The Agriculture Learning Resources Technology Project helped to establish a specialist professional network, with co-design, co-development and co-delivery generating genuine interest and excitement from industry across development and continuing facilitation of the product. It has influenced product development practices at TasTAFE and has resourced the digital learner experience for agriculture learners. This project received Best eLearning Project – Industry Specific at the 2023 LearnX Awards.

The presentation will identify strategies for a true co-design experience and showcase TasTAFE’s simulated mixed farm enterprise, Flat Out Farm.


Dearne Willing, Senior eLearning Consultant

An award winning VET professional, Dearne has a unique blend of expertise and a primary focus on industry centred development . With a background in design, teaching and educational technologies Dearne has great skill in working with stakeholders to design high value learning experiences.

Marita Bird, Educational Design Manager

 Marita is a dynamic professional with a proven track record as a facilitator and developer in the VET sector, combining strong leadership qualities with a passion for industry engagement and a commitment to developing sustainable solutions that enhance learner outcomes.